samedi 14 décembre 2013

Ömer Madra iklim değişikliğini anlatıyor

Ömer Madra, 'Robert Kolej Konuşmaları' kapsamında 17 Aralık 2013 Salı günü Pera Müzesi Oditoryumu'nda olacak.

Ömer Madra iklim değişikliğini anlatıyorÖmer MadraRobert Kolej, İstanbul Araştırmaları Enstitüsü işbirliğiyle Aralık 2013 – Mayıs 2014 döneminde 'Robert Kolej Konuşmaları' adlı bir dizi etkinlikle 150. yaşını kutluyor.Konusunda uzman mezunların Aralık 2013 – Mayıs 2014 döneminde ayda iki kez Pera Müzesi’nde dinleyicilerle buluşacağı etkinlik kapsamında 17 Aralık 2013 Salı günü saat 19.00'da Ömer Madra konuk oluyor. Akademisyen ve gazeteci Madra'nın 'Bir İş Modeli Olarak İklim Değişikliği / Bu Haliyle Kapitalizm Değişebilir ve Değiştirebilir mi?' konulu konuşması, Pera Müzesi Oditoryumu’nda dinleyicilere ücretsiz olarak gerçekleşecek.
İstanbul’daki en köklü ve saygın eğitim kurumlarından biri olan Robert Kolej’in 150. kuruluş yıldönümü nedeniyle, İstanbul Araştırmaları Enstitüsü ve Robert Kolej işbirliğiyle hazırlanan 'Bir Geleneğin Anatomisi: Robert Kolej’in 150 yılı' sergisi 15 Mayıs – 31 Ağustos 2013 tarihleri arasında İstanbul Araştırmaları Enstitüsü’nde sergilenmişti.
Yazar, akademisyen, gazeteci, radyo programcısı, aktivist Ömer Madra aynı zamanda Açık Radyo'nun kurucusu. Orta okulu 1961'de English High School’da, liseyi ise 1964 yılında Robert Koleji’nde bitirdi. 1968'de Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi’nden mezun olduktan sonra, aynı fakültenin Uluslararası hukuk kürsüsünde öğretim üyeliği yaptı. Çeşitli gazetelerde köşe yazarlığı yapmış Madra, küresel ısınma konusuna Türkiye 'de dikkat çekmek amacıyla yıllardır yaptığı çalışmalarla tanınıyor.

Barış Atay 'evsizler' için objektif karşısında

08 Aralık 2013 Pazar 16:01  YURT GAZETESİ

Sokakta yaşayan evsizlerin durumuna dikkat çekmek için ünlü isimler objektif karşısına geçti.

Foto galeriye git İSTANBUL - Sokakta yaşayan evsizlerin durumuna dikkat çekmek için ünlü isimler objektif karşısına geçti.

Barış Atay, Nefise Karatay, Murat Serezli, Doğukan Manço ve Hakan Yılmaz gibi sanatçılarında aralarında bulunduğu pek çok ünlü isim, fotoğrafçı Aykut Bozan'ın 'sokak ve insan' temalı projesi için poz verdi.

Aykut Bozan'ın 'Affedilmeyenler' adlı sergisi Beyoğlu Sanat Galerisinde 28 Aralık'a kadar görülebilecek.

L’Agence Atatürk de culture, de langue et d’histoire, attribuera le prix international Atatürk


Le vice-premier ministre Bülent Arınç qui a pris part à la réunion des conseillers de l’Agence Atatürk de culture, de langue et d’histoire, a déclaré que le prix serait attribué tous les 5 ans à partir de 2015.
L’objectif du prix international Atatürk sera de récompenser en qualité de distinction étatique, les personnalités morales au service de la bonne volonté et de l’amitié pour la paix mondiale internationale, sous le principe de paix dans le pays eet paix dans le monde, .
Bülent Arınç a donné dans renseignement à savoir comment faire la demande pour le prix et à quel genre de personnalité cette distinction sera remise.
Selon cela ; le département de coordination des travaux scientifiques acceptera les demandes jusqu’au 29 octobre 2014. Le jury responsable des demandes évaluera ces dernières durant 4 mois à compter du 29 octobre 2014 et donnera son verdict. Une personne parmi les propositions du jury sera présentée au Président de la République. Au terme de l’approbation du verdict final, le lauréat sera dévoilé le 23 avril 2015. La remise du prix international Atatürk, aura lieu lors d’une cérémonie organisée le 19 mai 2015 où à une date approuvée conforme par le Président de la République.
Date de l'information  : 14 Décembre 2013 15:30 TRT

vendredi 13 décembre 2013

Ara Güler's Anatolia in US gallery


  • The pieces on display are part of a set of 53 photographs of architectural monuments, taken by Ara Güler.
The pieces on display are part of a set of 53 photographs of architectural monuments, taken by Ara Güler.
Throughout his career, acclaimed and prolific photojournalist Ara Güler, Turkey’s internationally acclaimed photographer, has taken more than 800,000 photographs documenting Turkish culture and important historical sites. Opening Dec. 14 at the Smithsonian’s Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, “In Focus: Ara Güler’s Anatolia” reveals a selection of his never-before-shown works of Anatolian monuments, taking the viewer on a historical journey through the lens of one of the world’s most legendary photojournalists.


Kartpostallarla Osmanlı'dan İnsan Manzaraları

Kartpostallarla Osmanlı’dan İnsan Manzaraları, dönemin sosyal medyası gibi.

Kartpostallarla Osmanlıdan İnsan Manzaraları
Küratörlüğünü Osman Köker ile Gürel Tüzün’ün, tasarımını da Tan Oral’ın yaptığı, Seyhun Binzet’in zengin koleksiyonundan seçilmiş, Osmanlı’nın son dönemine ait 'Kartpostallarla Osmanlı’dan İnsan Manzaraları Sergisi' Karaköy’de Schneidertempel Sanat Merkezi’nde ziyarete açıldı.
Osmanlı toplumunun renkli ve çok etnikli yaşamını anlatan 100’ü aşkın kartpostalın yer aldığı sergi, dönemin yaşanan sıkıntılarına da tanıklık ediyor.

19. yüzyılın sonlarında başlayan ve üzerinde resimlerin bulunduğu kartlarla haberleşme, Osmanlı’da tıpkı Avrupa’da olduğu gibi, zarfın içine konulmayı gerektirmediği için, hem gönderene hem taşıma işini gerçekleştiren posta şirketine hem de kendisini gönderilen postanın içeriğini denetlemekle görevli olan devlet kurumlarına büyük kolaylık sağladığı için hızla yayılmış.

1895-1914 yılları arasında altın çağını yaşayan, Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nın başlamasıyla da gerilemeye başlayan kartpostalın Osmanlı’nın son dönemlerine ait en güzel örneklerinin yer alacağı sergi sayesinde ziyaretçiler tarihte görsel bir yolculuğa çıkacak.

Sergi, 19 Ocak 2014 tarihine kadar, hafta içi her gün 10.30 - 17.00, Pazar günü ise 12.00 - 16.00 saatleri arasında ziyaret edilebilecek.

Que signifie “Beşiktaş” ?

Beşiktaş, l’une des municipalités d’Istanbul, se situe sur la rive européenne du Bosphore. Il comprend plusieurs quartiers réputés de la ville comme Bebek, Etiler, Levent, Ortaköy, Ulus, Arnavutköy et Yıldız. Il accueille également des sites majeurs proches du Bosphore : le Palais de Dolmabahçe et de Yıldız ainsi que nombreux musées, églises, mosquées. Le marché aux poissons fait partie de ses “incontournables”.

jeudi 12 décembre 2013

Antique glass pieces on display in Gaziantep’s private museum

GAZİANTEP - Anadolu Agency

Kamil and Füsun İşsever, a couple living in Gaziantep has decided to display their ancient glass collection in a museum. The museum Medusa Glass Museum is now open to visitors

Füsun İşsever (above) and his husband Kamil İşsever bought an old Antep house and restored it to open the Medusa Glass Museum. AA photo
Füsun İşsever (above) and his husband Kamil İşsever bought an old Antep house and restored it to open the Medusa Glass Museum. AA photo
While Gaziantep’s museums and cultural venues continue to grow and advance, its first private museum displays a 15-year-old collection, which consists of antique items made of glass, archeological artifacts and ancient culture.

A couple from Turkey’s Gaziantep has established a museum, placing their 15-year-collection on display. The collection consists of Roman, Byzantium and glass artifacts in particular. The museum aims to share local culture and heritage with visitors. The couple had been collecting the artifacts for 15 years, having later decided to establish a museum instead of keeping the collection at their home. Kamil and Füsun İşsever has bought an Antep house, typical of civil architecture, and established a museum. The house museum is close to Gaziantep Castle. 

Greek mythology

One of Greek mythology’s most intriguing antagonists was the source of inspiration for the couple in their conquest to officially name the museum, having finally come across Medusa as their muse for the museum’s name; the female monster known as a “Gorgon” was said to have the face of a hideous human female with living venomous snakes instead of hair. Gazing directly upon her would turn onlookers to stone. The Medusa Glass artifacts museum is an honor for the couple as they have found a way to share their collection with the public.

Stressing that the works meant more than money, İşsever said: “The museum is the fruit of our love. I spent most of my time here. Gaziantep is renowned for its cuisine and industry but it is a fact that it is also becoming increasingly well-known for its museums and culture.”

İşsever thinks that the city’s museums are multiplying with its cultural life experiencing a steady but welcome boom. In addition to its museums, Gaziantep’s beauty has gained quite the reputation among many, according to İşsever. “We aim to have share in this tourism and cultural life,” the couple added.

The first glass museum in Turkey

The first glass museum of Turkey was Medusa Glass Museum and it has many artifacts from different ancient era, added the couple, saying: “We can say that after Rahmi Koç’s collection, our museum comes [second].” On the other hand, the museum is the first private museum of Gaziantep, which makes the museum more valuable, according to the couple.

There are many artifacts such as glass, porcelain and handmade ancient covers and quilts. There are many ancient coins. Apart from the coins the museum has more than 500 normal and non-glass artifacts and each of them are ancient and valuable, the couple said. The visitors mostly visit the museum to see the glass works; they said and added there are total of 4 thousand glass works in the Medusa Museum.

mercredi 11 décembre 2013

Holy heritage now on view in central Anatolian town

KONYA - Anadolu Agency

‘Holy Heritage’ exhibition displays 99 handwritten copies of the Quran. AA photo
‘Holy Heritage’ exhibition displays 99 handwritten copies of the Quran. AA photo
An exhibition titled “Mukaddes Miras” (Holy Heritage) that began Aug. 2 in Istanbul’s SultanahmetMadrasah before visiting Diyarbakırhas opened in the Central Anatolian province of Konya as part of the celebrations marking the 740th anniversary of Rumi’s passing.

The exhibition displays 99 Mushaf-ı Şerif (handwritten copies of the Quran) from between the ninth and 18th centuries. The exhibition is being organized under the artistic consultancy of Mimar Sinan University Faculty of Fine Arts member Associate Professor Ali Rıza Özcan.

The exhibition includes 99 copies of the Quran written by famous calligraphers such as Hafız Osman, Mehmet Emin Üsküdari, Mahmud Sivasi, Hafız Yusuf and Derviş Mehmed from around the Muslim world and from the Abbasids to the Umayyads. Also in the exhibition are the hüsni-hat calligraphy works by significant names like Şeyh Hamdullah, Sami Efendi, Mahmud Celaleddin, Yesarizade Mustafa İzzet, Ömer Vasfi Efendi, Hulusi Yazgan, Kamil Akdik and Mehmet Şefik.

The exhibition at the İnce Minare Taş and Ahşap Eserler Museum will continue until Dec. 17.

Ottoman rulers - sultan, khan, padişah and caliph


The word sultan derives from an Arabic word meaning authority or power, particularly the strength, authority and position of a ruler or dictatorship. It was first used in the Abbasid period but not to signify the ruler, rather men of lesser importance but still wielders of power

Sultan Selim II receiving representatives of the Austrian Emperor, including ambassador Anthonius Varantius da Agra.
Sultan Selim II receiving representatives of the Austrian Emperor, including ambassador Anthonius Varantius da Agra.
“… the son of Sultan Murad, son of Sultan Mehmed Khan, the sultan of the lands and the emperor of the seas, the shadow of God extending over men and djinn, the deputy of God in the East and the West, the champion of the water and the land, the conqueror of Constantinople and the father of that conquest Sultan Mehmed…” is how Fatih Sultan Mehmed is described in the inscription above the gate (Bab-i Humayun) leading into the first courtyard at Topkapı Palace. The Ottoman ruler wasn’t just plain “sultan”; he had acquired a whole series of attributes to emphasize his importance.

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mardi 10 décembre 2013

Yeşilçam Sineması Tuncel Kurtiz'i anıyor

Eylül ayında hayatını kaybeden tiyatro ve sinema sanatçısı Tuncel Kurtiz, "İçinden Tuncel Kurtiz geçen filmler" başlığı altında gerçekleştirilecek programla anılacak.

Yeşilçam Sineması'nda 6-19 Aralık'ta düzenlenecek programda, Kurtiz'in oynadığı ve yönettiği filmler, anlatıldığı belgeseller ve sahnelediği Şeyh Bedreddin Destanı kayıtları gösterilecek.


Yılmaz Güney'in yönettiği ve birlikte oynadıkları "Umut", Erden Kıral'ın yönettiği "Bereketli Topraklar Üzerinde", Mehmet Eryılmaz'ın çektiği "Sinemada Bir Dolunay/Bedr" belgeseli ile Reis Çelik'in yönettiği "Işıklar Sönmesin" ve "İnat Hikayeleri" de programda yer alacak.

Reis Çelik ve Tuncel Kurtiz'in iki kişi olarak gidip senaryosuz doğaçlama yaptıkları "İnat Hikayeleri" filminin nasıl çekildiğinin belgeseli "İnadına Film Çekmek" de izleyicilerle buluşacak.

Gösterimler süresince filmlerin yönetmenleri ve onunla birlikte yol arkadaşlığı yapmış birçok arkadaşı Tuncel Kurtiz'le yaşam anılarını paylaşacak.

Yıllarca Şeyh Bedreddin Destanı'nı beraber oynadığı Sema Moritz, Türkiye'ye döndüğünde ilk belgeselini çeken Mehmet Eryılmaz, beraber uzun yıllar yolculuk yaptığı Gezici Film Festivali Başkanı Ahmet Boyacıoğlu, Türkiye'ye döndükten sonra uzun dostlukları olan, yönetmen Reis Çelik'in aralarında bulunduğu çok sayıda isim gösterimler sonrası söyleşi yapacak.

Original Rumi pool removed at Konya’s Mevlana Museum

KONYA - Doğan News Agency

A decision to remove ancient stones from around a pool that is central to yearly Rumi celebrations controversy in Konya, drawing criticism from former official Erdoğan Erol who has demanded that the Council of Monuments rectify the situation, saying that the pool has a history of 1,000 years

The Konya Provincial Culture Directorate removed the pool from in front of dervish cells as part of rearrangement works at the Mevlana Museum and placed a new one using the similar stones.
The Konya Provincial Culture Directorate removed the pool from in front of dervish cells as part of rearrangement works at the Mevlana Museum and placed a new one using the similar stones.
Officials in Konya have raised controversy just before events marking the 740th anniversary of Jalaladdin Rumi’s passing after a centuries-old pool in the garden of the Mevlana Museum was removed and rebuilt elsewhere with similar stones.

“Similar stones were used to build a similar pool in a different place,” said Erdoğan Erol, who worked as a director for the museum for 25 years before retiring. “In my opinion, this is a murder. It should be changed back.”

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İznik tile artists briefly paint the town red


Blue might be the color that comes to mind most when one thinks of İznik tiles, but there was a brief period of effervescence in the 16th century when red was the color of the day. The period lasted no longer than 30 years before dropping out of fashion

Not only did İznik tiles decorate architectural works in Istanbul, ceramic wares for daily use also found their way into the palace kitchen for such occasions as births, circumcisions and enthronement ceremonies and decorated the dining tables of the wealthy. Hürriyet photo
Not only did İznik tiles decorate architectural works in Istanbul, ceramic wares for daily use also found their way into the palace kitchen for such occasions as births, circumcisions and enthronement ceremonies and decorated the dining tables of the wealthy. Hürriyet photo
In the second half of the sixteenth century, there was a brief window of opportunity during which the ceramic workshops in İznik produced an extraordinary red color on their wares. The time frame was 1550 to 1580, at a point when the Ottoman Empire was at its peak, during its classical period. İznik as well as Kütahya had long been centers of tile-making because the clay soil in their vicinity was particularly suited to the production of ceramic wares. Wood was readily obtainable from the woods in the area. Neither of the two cities was very far from Istanbul and both were on commercial routes. Tile production was carried out in İznik in the Roman, Byzantine, Anatolian Seljuk and Beylik eras.

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A film workshop in Anatolia invites cinema enthusaists

KAYSERİ - Anadolu Agency

For film enthusiasts, a mansion in Kayseri serves as a film workshop. The goal is to show that Anatolia can have a say in the film sector

‘We invite everyone who is interested in cinema,’ says Veysel Akşahin.
‘We invite everyone who is interested in cinema,’ says Veysel Akşahin.
The filmmakers of the future are being raised in the Yücel Çakmaklı Film Workshop, which has been opened in the central Anatolian city of Kayseri with the collaboration of the municipality and the city’s university. 

For the film workshop, a centuries-old mansion on the historical Ali Saip Paşa Street has been restored by the Talas Municipality. Talas Mayor Rıfat Yıldırım said the district had been the home to Armenians, Greeks and Turks in the past and they were carrying out restorations to reveal the values in such an Anatolian district.

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Her Kürt kadını ve erkeği dengbejdir

Lawje, Hakkâri köylerinde yaptıkları derlemelerle dengbejlerin 
türkülerini görünür kıldı. Grupla 'Selîqe'nin oluşum sürecini konuştuk.

Her Kürt kadını ve erkeği dengbejdir
Hakkârili üç çocukluk arkadaşı, Ali Tekbaş, Ali İmran Erin, Serhat Bostancı bir araya gelip “Neden Hakkâri türkülerini derlemiyoruz?” diye sorduklarında, ellerinde ne enstrüman vardı, ne derlemeleri kayıt edebilecekleri bir alet. 8 yıl boyunca, yaz tatillerinde gittikleri Hakkâri’nin köylerini gezip derleme yaptılar, bu kayıtları yeniden yorumladılar. Bu çabanın sonunda Lawje grubu ‘Selîqe’ albümüyle dinleyicilerin karşısına çıktı. Kürt müziğine yeni bir soluk getiren grubun üyeleriyle buluştuk, imkânsızlıklara rağmen bir albüm nasıl yapılır, konuştuk.

lundi 9 décembre 2013

The gates of Istanbul

Niki GammHürriyet Daily News

The walls were intended to protect the buildings on what is usually termed the Acropolis, that is, where Topkapı Palace is today. They are believed to have been six kilometers long with 27 towers; however, we have no way of knowing how many gates were in the walls

Edirne Gate in the city walls.
Edirne Gate in the city walls.
A gate at its simplest is an opening in some sort of an enclosure – a wall or a fence. It can be very plain or very ornamental such as the earliest known ceremonial Gate of Ishtar, an elegant structure created by Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II in 575 BC. Certainly all fortresses and fortified cities had gates that could be opened or closed as circumstances warranted. The bigger the settlement, the more important it became to have larger walls and more gates. Such building required a central authority able to command the manpower needed to build such constructions and a reason to create such protection. Palisades or stake walls such as the ancient Greeks and Romans constructed might have been useful for short term defense against small forces but would hardly helped against a large enemy force.

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