samedi 8 février 2014

Eminönü's Yeni Valide Sultan Mosque celebrates 350th anniversary

Niki GAMM inhürriyet daily news

Yeni Cami and the port of Istanbul from the late 18th century. Jean-Baptiste Hilaire. (Pera Museum)
Yeni Cami and the port of Istanbul from the late 18th century. Jean-Baptiste Hilaire. (Pera Museum)
Feb. 8, 1664. The Yeni Valide Sultan Mosque in Eminönü was officially opened for Friday prayers with a grand ceremony. Sultan Mehmed IV and Grand Vizier Fazıl Ahmed Paşa, as well as Valide Hatice Turhan Sultan and government officials, all participated. The Ottomans loved ceremonies and parades.

Istanbul Music Festival tickets go on sale

ISTANBUL hürriyet daily news

Venues of this year include Hagia Eirene Museum.
Venues of this year include Hagia Eirene Museum.
The tickets of the 42nd Istanbul Music Festival are on sale as of Feb. 8. Tickets can be purchased from Biletix and the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV) building in Şişhane.

Festival tickets will also be on sale the box office located in the Hagia Eirene Museum throughout the festival.

This year’s festival will be held between May 31 and June 27 with the theme of “The Song of Nature.” It will host approximately 800 local and foreign artists including Steven Isserlis, Isabelle van Keulen, Alexander Raskatov, Nelson Freire, Pepe Remero, Krzysztof Penderecki, Xavier de Maistre, and Yuja Wang as well as examples of world’s leading orchestras Sinfonia Varsovia and Teresa Carreño Youth Orchestra of Venezuela in Istanbul.

Twenty-six concerts including orchestral concerts, chamber music, vocal concerts, and recitals within the festival program will take place in different venues including Burgazada Square, Hagia Eirene Museum, Süreyya Opera House, Surp Vortvots Vorodman Church, İş Sanat Concert Hall, Zorlu Center Performing Arts Center, and Boğaziçi University Albert Long Hall. The festival will also present free-of-charge concerts titled “Classical Sundays” in various venues.

Archive established for Turkish public culture

ANKARA - Anadolu Agency

‘Karagöz,’ a critical aspect of Turkey’s collective past, will be in the archive.
‘Karagöz,’ a critical aspect of Turkey’s collective past, will be in the archive.
The Turkish Culture and Tourism Ministry is forming an archive of public culture with 172,435 documents including notes, gramophone records, photos, videos, ethnographic tool and Karagöz depictions.

Scientific works that started in 1910 in the field of public culture are being recorded in the Public Culture Information and Document Center, which was formed in 1966 under the name Public Culture Archive.

This center is the first and only official archive regarding Turkey’s public archive. It scientifically determines the cultural products of the society that have been produced for centuries.

The center has an electronic information retrieval system that provides all kinds of information sources regarding Turkish public culture. Also, intangible cultural heritage elements such as minstrels, poets, traditional handicrafts and theater artists are also archived. The works are set to finish by the end of this year.

Tourisme médical : 300.000 étrangers sont venus l’année dernière en Turquie


300.000 étrangers sont venus l’année dernière pour des soins médicaux en Turquie.
Les étrangers préfère la Turquie en raison de la qualité des services et des prix raisonnables.
40 millions de touristes sont arrivés durant l’année 2013 en Turquie dont les revenus de tourisme ont dépassé les 32 milliards de dollars.
En parallèle, le revenu du tourisme médical de la Turquie a aussi grimpé au cours de ces dernières années.
Le nombre des visiteurs préférant venir dans ce but en Turquie qui est parmi les dix premiers du classement mondial du tourisme médical,  a triplé.
Les principaux facteurs influençant les patients sont les prix intéressants et la haute qualité des services en Turquie.
Selon les prévisions, la Turquie aura un revenu du tourisme médical de 4 milliards de dollars et accueillera 400.000 visiteurs dans ce cadre.
Ces chiffres sur le tourisme médical comprennent également les malades amenés des pays voisins dans le contexte des aides humanitaires .

Date de l'information  : 07 Février 2014 TRT

mardi 4 février 2014

Dünyanın en eski kumaşı Çatalhöyük'te bulundu

Dünyanın en eski kumaşı Çatalhöyük'te bulundu

31/01/2014 RADİKAL
Konya'nın Çumra İlçesi sınırlarındaki 9 bin yıllık neolitik yerleşim yeri Çatalhöyük'te yapılan kazı çalışmalarında, yanmış bir evin tabanında bebek iskeletine sarılmış dünyanın ilk kendirden dokunmuş keten kumaş parçası bulundu.

Istanbul stage celebrates 25th anniversary with ‘Jazz February’


The Jazz February concerts will be taking place at Istanbul’s Cemal Reşit Rey 
Concert Hall until Feb 18.
The Jazz February concerts will be taking place at Istanbul’s Cemal Reşit Rey Concert Hall until Feb 18.
The Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Cemal Reşit Rey (CRR) Concert Hall, which is celebrating the 25th anniversary of its establishment, is offering a month full of jazz throughout February.

Le Wagon-Musée de la TRT est en route


Dans le cadre des festivités du 50ème anniversaire de l’établissement Radio et Télévision de Turquie (TRT), le "Wagon-Musée de la TRT” qui sera utilisé comme "Musée des diffusions et de l'histoire de TRT" aussi bien dans le pays qu'à l'étranger, s'est mis en route depuis la gare d'Ankara.
Précisant que le projet du wagon de la TRT allait permettre aux enfants et aux jeunes qui le visitent de s'imprégner des sentiments des personnes ayant vécu à cette époque, le ministre des Transports, des Affaires maritimes et de la Communication Lütfi Elvan a affirmé que ce wagon reliait le passé et le présent par un lien amical.
Soulignant que la TRT avait réalisé d'importantes démarches ces onze dernières années, le ministre Elvan a indiqué que la diffusion de 15 chaines de télévision et de 15 chaines de radio était un succès important.
M. Elvan a également relevé que TRT était l'un des établissements diffusant dans le plus grand nombre de langues et qu’elle était une partie indissociable de la vie sociale et culturelle.
Quant au directeur général de la TRT, Ibrahim Şahin, il a fait savoir que tous les équipements utilisés par TRT depuis le premier jour de diffusion, étaient exposés dans le wagon et que ce dernier allait passer premièrement par Izmir puis dans 20 villes différentes.

Le Wagon-Musée de la TRT pourra être visité jusqu'au 14 mai. 

9 dalda ödül verilecek

Altın Lale Ulusal Yarışması’nın jüri başkanlığını, Derviş Zaim üstlenecek.

9 dalda ödül verilecek
Derviş Zaim başkanlığındaki jüri, festivalde en iyi film, en iyi yönetmen, jüri özel ödülü, en iyi kadın oyuncu, en iyi erkek oyuncu, en iyi senaryo, en iyi görüntü yönetmeni, en iyi kurgu ve en iyi müzik olmak üzere 9 dalda ödül verecek.
Ulusal Yarışma'da yer alacak filmler arasından jürinin seçeceği en iyi film 150 bin, en iyi yönetmen ise 50 bin lira ile ödüllendirilecek.
İlk kez 2011'de para ödülüyle desteklenen jüri özel ödülü, bu yıl Onat Kutlar anısına verilecek. Ödülü kazanan filmin yapımcısı 60 bin liranın sahibi olacak.
En iyi kadın oyuncu ve en iyi erkek oyuncu ödüllerini kazananlara 10'ar bin lira verilecek.
İstanbul Film Festivali Altın Lale Ulusal Yarışması'nda jüri ayrıca, en iyi senaryo, en iyi görüntü yönetmeni, en iyi kurgu ve en iyi özgün müzik dallarında ödül verecek.
33. İstanbul Film Festivali, 5-20 Nisan günleri arasında düzenlenecek.

lundi 3 février 2014

'Şimdi ömrümün tek bir gayesi var'

02 Şubat 2014 Pazar / Yurt gazetesi

Sabahattin Ali'nin eşine ve kızına yazdığı mektuplardan oluşan ''Canım Aliye, Ruhum Filiz''de mücadele dolu hayatı ve edebi kişiliği ile bildiğimiz yazarın eş ve baba portresiyle tanışıyoruz.

'Şimdi ömrümün tek bir gayesi var'

MELTEM YILMAZ-HABER MERKEZİ-Sabahattin Ali'nin eşine ve kızına yazdığı mektuplardan oluşan ''Canım Aliye, Ruhum Filiz'' okuyucuları ile buluştu. Kitapta yer alan mektuplardan bazılarını daha önce hiç yayınlanmış. Sabahattin Ali'nin kızı Filiz Ali'nin kendisiyle paylaştığı mektupları yayına hazırlayan Sevengül Sönmez, kitabın önsözünde şöyle diyor: ''Bu mektuplar Sabahattin Ali'yi nişanlı, eş ve baba olarak tanımamızı sağladığı gibi, onun aşkı, evliliği ve aile hayatını nasıl yaşadığını da gösteriyor: coşkulu bir aşık, sorumlu bir eş, sevecen bir baba...''

21 mars conférence de Mİchael THEVENİN au Collège de France

 "De l’activité pastorale dans l’Est de la Turquie : Chronique d’une culture séculaire, entre logiques tribales, nationalismes et patrimonialisation "

tente nomade Michael
Patrimonialisation chez les populations de pasteurs et de pêcheurs en contexte musulman21 mars 2014, Collège de France,Salle de conférence de la rue d’Ulm, 3, rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris, Organisateurs : Anne-Marie Brisebarre et Yazid Ben Hounet
Résumé :
Dans cette intervention, il s’agira de confronter les pratiques pastorales des populations kurdes dans l’Est de la Turquie - culture millénaire - au processus de patrimonialisation actuellement à l’œuvre dans ce pays. La mise en  patrimoine des cultures pastorales anatoliennes est-elle pertinente ou seulement envisageable dans cette région ?
Les pratiques pastorales de l’Est de la Turquie se caractérisent, à l’instar des abris d’alpage, par une grande diversité due à la fois au contexte géographique, historique et social, mais aussi à l’arrivée récente de l’Etat-nation Turc et du nationalisme kurde, et dont la conséquence la plus marquante est la multiplication des appartenances identitaires. Nous assistons à une impossible standardisation de ces pratiques et une patrimonialisation tout autant hypothétique compte-tenu du jeu à somme nulle des forces en présence.
A travers trois exemples, la tribu kurde des Beritan, la tribu Turkmène des Sarikeçili et la Dengbêjî (chant traditionnel kurde), nous dessinerons les contours de trois mises en représentation des bergers anatoliens - celle des communautés pastorales, celles des nationalismes Turc ou Kurde, et celle les logiques internes au phénomène de patrimonialisation – et d’une problématique propre qui pourrait ouvrir un autre champs du possible, au delà de la fabrique patrimoniale, vers la reconnaissance d’un domaine pastoral.

Çatalhöyük’s traditional pans still in demand

KONYA - Anadolu Agency

In an atelier in Konya’s Sille neighborhood, Yaşar Bulur gives shape to mud, producing earthen pots, which first appeared in Çatalhöyük

Part of Bulur’s  atelier is a cave and it  takes visitors for a travel  in time to Çatalhöyük.  The atelier is also a  neighbor of the Hagia  Helene Church. AA photo
Part of Bulur’s atelier is a cave and it takes visitors for a travel in time to Çatalhöyük. The atelier is also a neighbor of the Hagia Helene Church. AA photo
The business of producing pots and pans from earthenware, which started in the Neolithic age in the ancient settlement of Çatalhöyük in the central Anatolian province of Konya, still continues in the same region through a handful of talented masters, few in numbers.

In an atelier in the city’s historical Sille neighborhood, Yaşar Bulur, 63, gives shape to mud, producing earthen pots, which first appeared in Çatalhöyük and is believed to be one of the first exchange tools that started trade.

Part of Bulur’s atelier is a cave and it takes visitors for travel in time to Çatalhöyük, where nearly 8,000 people settled. The atelier is also a neighbor of the Hagia Helene Church, which was built by the Byzantine Emperor Constantine’s mother Helene. Sille was one of the religious centers in Byzantine.

He sells his products very easily

The tradition of making pots and pans with earthenware dates back to 9,000 years ago in the region. Bulur spends most of his day in front of his stand.

“My door is open to those who want to learn the business. If they come, I will help them. If they learn it, this heirloom business can survive,” he said. Bulur can easily sell the products that he produces in his atelier. Products like pots, cooking cups, earthen cups, jugs and various types of ornaments are sold in his son’s shop in Taşköprü, which is a popular place among tourists.

Noting that in the 1960s, he and five-six other apprentices had worked with their boss for a long time to learn this business without being paid, Bulur said, “Everyone was bringing their food and we were eating it all together. We did not demand even a penny. Anyway, our boss was not paying us… My boss did not let me go because I was working successfully. He began paying me weekly wages after only two years. Many years have passed since then. We used to send our products all around Turkey, too. As Sille has become a well-known place and tourism progressed in the region, our nearly-forgotten business began drawing interest.”

He said his customers were even ready to buy 100,000 stew pans. “We receive demands not only from Turkey, but also from Saudi Arabia. Earthenware products are preferred because they make food more delicious,” he said.

Ancient settlement,Çatalhöyük

The ancient settlement of Çatalhöyük in Konya’s Çumra district was included on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage list last year. The first excavation work at Çatalhöyük was carried out in the 1960s by British archaeologist James Mellaart and his team. Professor Ian Hodder took over the excavation work at the ancient site in 1993.

Currently an international excavation team of more than 100 people is working at Çatalhöyük. They are investigating diseases, genetic features and plants and animals in the area.
A number of historical artworks have been found during the excavations.

Turkish conductor performs in Carnegie

NEW YORK - Anadolu Agency/hürriyet daily news

Sera Tokay, who formed a chamber orchestra in Paris, gave a concert at New York’s famous Carnegie Hall. AA photo
Sera Tokay, who formed a chamber orchestra in Paris, gave a concert at New York’s famous Carnegie Hall. AA photo
Turkish musician Sera Tokay, who has been living in France, has become the first Turkish female orchestra conductor to give a concert at New York’s famous Carnegie Hall. In 2011, Tokay formed a chamber orchestra named Lutece Philharmonia in Paris and this year gave a concert in Carnegie Hall on Jan. 30.

The concert, which featured the orchestra made up of young musicians who graduated from a Paris conservatory, the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique de Paris, was supported by the Washington-based Turkish Cultural Foundation and the New York-based America Turkish Women’s Union.

Speaking after the concert, Tokay said, “I tried to be calm for the orchestra music to be
heard louder. If a musician is not calm, s/he can’t convey anything to listeners.”

As a Turkish female orchestra conductor who performed a concert at Carnegie Hall, Tokay said that it was her first concert in the U.S. but they had previously performed in Switzerland for
tours, and that they were invited by the grandchild of Stravinsky to play there.

“We have been to London and now we want to go to India, Afghanistan and the Vatican. My orchestra wants to go to Istanbul most of all. They ask me every day about it. ‘Why didn’t we go to Istanbul before New York’ they say,” she said.

Tokay said that she wanted to form a French-Turkish-American orchestra. When asked if she brought Turkish musicians to New York, she said, “No. States should have agreed on it, it is not happening at once.”

The fact that the number of female orchestra conductors is too low in the world is being discussed by music authorities in recent years. In 2013, among the leading 22 orchestras in the U.S., there was only one female conductor.

dimanche 2 février 2014

Academics work on mystery of ‘lost church’ at the bottom of Lake İznik

BURSA – Anadolu Agency

Archaeologists, historians and art historians are working on a church discovered off the shore of Bursa’s Lake İznik. They have found out that the structure was built under the name of St. Neophytos, a beloved Christian in the middle ages

Experts say they have obtained significant 
information about the church. They estimate that it collapsed during an earthquake that occurred in 740. DHA Photo
Experts say they have obtained significant information about the church. They estimate that it collapsed during an earthquake that occurred in 740. DHA Photo
The mystery of an ancient basilica (big church), the remains of which have been discovered about 20 meters from the shore in Bursa’s Lake İznik, have begun to be unveiled. The foundations of the 600-year-old church are currently lying in water that is about 1.5 to two meters deep. 

The nectar of the sultans – şerbet and şarap

NIKI GAMM hürriyet daily news

The Ottomans enjoyed quite a diverse variety of beverages, alcoholic and non-alcoholic, ranging from şerbet, to wine, and arak, which they were introduced to upon coming to Anatolia, bringing along beloved drinks like ayran and boza

Look at any history of drinks and about the only thing that’s agreed upon is that beer and wine were the first two alcoholic beverages to be made by man. When they were first made remains a mystery, lost somewhere back in prehistoric times. Some say beer would have first been brewed when mankind began to cultivate grains. Wine may have been discovered because fruit left on the vine too long ferments. The picture on nonalcoholic beverages is less clear, aside from the consumption of water and milk.

The nectar of the sultans – şerbet and şarap 



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